Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Inspirational Katie Couric

Katie Couric gave a moving, inspirational speech at this week's University of Oklahoma graduation. Couric compared herself to the graduating seniors, saying that with her move to CBS, she too would be leaving her comfort zone to do something new. Not surprisingly, Couric failed to mention that unlike most of the graduates, she has a $15 million a year job waiting for her.

In other news, a University of Chicago scavenger hunt was shut down after unruly conduct that included vomiting and urinating in public. Perhaps the school shouldn't have put "bodily fluids" on the list of items to find.

Finally, it seems as though the University of Arizona has a somewhat controversial tradition of throwing tortillas at graduation. Putting aside the fact that this might be offensive and a waste of food---why would students want to have something that can be seen as a symbol of the fast food industry at their graduation? It just doesn't seem like a good omen.


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