Monday, May 01, 2006

It's A Marathon--Let's Get Wasted!!

Rumor has it that during the Boston Marathon, Boston University students were being a little too unruly. This woman charges the students with yelling, vomiting, urinating in public, and throwing trash, while claiming that the police did nothing to stop it. I don't quite see the problem--in fact, this sounds like the behavior of many marathon runners during the race. It's entirely possible the students were just trying to show support for the runners.

Perhaps BU could improve student behavior by admitting energetic entrepreneurial students such as this kid. Unable to come up with enough tuition money to attend BU, the college of his dreams, a boy from Maine has put his college education up for auction on eBay. I'm not quite sure how successful he'll be, but it certainly seems like a better idea than working.

Meanwhile, over at Columbia University school officials have come up with another way to make athlete's lives easier. This spring they allowed athletes to register for classes before non-athletes, claiming that they need to fit classes around games and practices. As you can imagine some of the other students were not too pleased.


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